How Vocational Case Managers Help SSDI Recipients To Return To Work

Job seekers with disabilities can face barriers when entering or returning to the workforce. Thankfully, in recent years, the unemployment rate for people with disabilities has declined. We at Allsup Employee Services (AES) are happy to hear that because we help former workers with disabilities return to work.
At AES, we provide free services to help Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) recipients rejoin the workforce through the Ticket to Work Program. Our team of specialists delivers resources and services to individuals with disabilities nationwide.
If a severe medical condition stopped you in your working career, and you received SSDI benefits – then you can access vital help from AES, which is a Social Security Administration-authorized Employment Network.
Our vocational case managers provide job assistance and consultation including:
- Answer any questions you have about the Ticket to Work Program.
- Help you update your resume.
- Find transferable skills to use in a new job.
- Send you job postings aligned with your skills.
- Refine your interview skills via video mock interviews.
Here's more information on how you can become equipped to find the right job.
What Is a Vocational Case Manager?
What exactly is a vocational case manager? Vocational case managers serve the workforce with disabilities by providing input on employment or rehabilitation options.
A vocational case manager can work with you to develop realistic goals. They can direct you to rehabilitation programs and job training opportunities, and help you navigate employment challenges.
In addition, vocational case managers address more than just these practical needs. For example, Kanishia is a case manager with Allsup Employment Services. She loves motivating clients and “helping them understand they are worth it.” She reports that many people she works with are “down on their luck and don't feel like they can do anything. It's my job to push back against that misconception and help them regain their confidence.”
As Kanishia demonstrates, a vocational case manager can improve your outlook as you seek future employment. Working with a case manager, you'll be helped with empathy and kindness as you go for that career you want.
Additionally, an online career coach can help you reach your truest potential and gain the confidence and skills you need to return to the workplace.
How A Vocational Case Manager Can Serve As Your Career Coach
SSDI recipients preparing to return to work can face challenges when it comes to attending networking opportunities and other meetings. The alternative to interact with a vocational case manager by virtual conferencing is one advantage.
Advances in telecommunications have made it easy to conduct meetings over a video conferencing platform like Google Meet or Zoom. In addition, the automated closed-captioning feature found on media tools can help overcome some barriers for job applicants with hearing impairments.
The availability of this technology means job seekers with disabilities can interact regularly with case managers — a feature that might not always be possible if in-person meetings were required.
Best of all, vocational case managers can direct clients to online learning opportunities, such as job training seminars or virtual career fairs. This can make the process by which a client returns to the workplace much faster.
Where To Find Vocational Case Managers
Choosing to work with an online career advisor is a wise choice, and this is where Allsup Employment Services shines with its dedicated case managers.
When you sign up with AES as a participant in the Ticket to Work Program, you receive a dedicated consultant to assist you. This specialist is dedicated to understanding your prior work experience, your medical condition, and supports you in developing you individual work plan.
Additional Career Resources
Along with your AES case manager, there are other resources that provide vital advantages in your job search.
American Job Centers
Job seekers with disabilities can face a technology barrier when searching for work. While 81% of the population without disabilities owns a desktop or laptop computer, only 62% of adults with disabilities have personal access to the same technology. American Job Centers is changing that. They provide computers to help you search for jobs and find job training. Get started with the American Job Center search tool, to reach one of their 3,000 centers nationwide.
Centers for Independent Living (CILs)
If you and your AES case manager determine you could benefit from additional community networking and assistance, then you can reach out to your local Center for Independent Living (CIL). These organizations are committed to helping adults with disabilities maintain their independence and can help you reach short- and long-term career goals.
State Department of Labor
Checking in with your state’s Department of Labor may open some additional avenues to finding job, job training and supplementary services as you strive to resume your career following a disability. State departments of labor typically provide access to, or can connect you with, job training and credentialing programs that will help you make progress toward your work goals.
Taking The Next Steps With Allsup Employment Services
As you continue on your path, no matter what additional services and training you obtain – you can always return to Allsup Employment Services as your expert in the Ticket to Work Program.
AES case managers are exclusively trained to assist SSDI beneficiaries like you to access important Ticket to Work Program benefits, and all their assistance is free.
The transition from medical treatment and rehabilitation, then job retraining and career preparation, to finding a position and working again may feel overwhelming – but AES is here to help.
As an SSA-authorized Employment Network, AES provides free assistance to SSDI recipients while helping to protect their benefits, including monthly income and Medicare, when they attempt to work. Ticket to Work is an empowering program for SSDI beneficiaries, especially aimed at improving their financial futures for the long run.
AES vocational case managers can help you develop goals and a plan to reach your fullest potential. Plus, once you've obtained employment, AES can help you submit earnings to the Social Security Administration and request reasonable accommodations from your employer to maintain your employment or obtain new employment.
Our professionals deliver resources and services nationwide to help SSDI recipients take full advantage of the incentives and support available when they return to work, including protecting their SSDI benefits and suspension of Continuing Disability Reviews. Our AES representatives will act as your vocational case manager, helping to guide your journey into the working world. We can help you set goals and smoothly transition, all while retaining your SSDI benefits.
To explore your options, contact Allsup Employment Services today at (866) 540-5105 or request a call.

Diane Winiarski
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