Is The Ticket To Work Program Spam?
Last Updated: 1/14/2025
The short answer: no, it’s not.
The Ticket To Work Program (TTW) is a real initiative from the Social Security Administration (SSA). Its purpose is to help individuals receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) return to work. If you decide to go back to work, the program will protectyour benefits for a trial period.
It’s a real opportunity that can – and does – change lives.
What Is The Ticket To Work Program?
Ticket To Work is a voluntary and free program provided by the SSA. It helps people with disabilities get back to work without immediately losing their disability benefits. The program is designed to support individuals who want to work. Most SSI or SSDI beneficiaries are concerned about losing their benefits if they work. However, TTW offers significant protections for disability benefits.
Who Runs The Ticket To Work Program?
It’s run by the SSA and is one of the several significant benefits available to recipients of SSDI or SSI.
The program began with the enactment of The Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999 (Public Law 106-170) on December 17, 1999. This law established the TTW Program. It provides substantial assistance for U.S. workers with disabilities, helping them return to work once they achieve medical recovery or stability.
What Does Allsup Employment Services Have To Do With It?
Allsup Employment Services (AES) is an SSA-authorized Employment Network (EN). As an EN, we provide services and resources nationwide to beneficiaries. We help them take full advantage of the protections support that are available through TTW.
Our services are of no cost to you. The SSA covers these expenses.
How Can I Verify This?
Ticket To Work has a website, and Allsup Employment Services is listed there as an authorized Employment Network (EN).
- The SSA’s Ticket To Work website is https://choosework.ssa.gov/.
- Allsup Employment Services appears in their “Find Help” provider registry, here: https://choosework.ssa.gov/findhelp/result?p_sort=alphabetical&option=2&resStr=en,wf&name=Allsup&p_pagesize=25&p_pagenum=1
Why Do Some Think It’s Spam?
Spam – and scams – are rampant, especially those targeting people with disabilities. It’s understandable why many can become suspicious.
People with disabilities are marketed to by many looking to turn a quick sale by promising big things and delivering little or nothing. There are many people trying to take advantage in any way possible.
This problem gets worse with scams and fake offers that look real, making it hard to know what’s true and what’s not. Many in the disability community have become very wary when they get unexpected messages, even about helpful programs like Ticket To Work.
The SSA works to let people know how to spot, avoid and report Social Security-related scams. Yet many scammers still find people who not aware. It helps if we all spread the word.
How Can I Tell The Difference Between Genuine SSA Communication And Spam?
Genuine communications about the Ticket To Work Program will always come from the SSA or an authorized Employment Network like Allsup Employment Services. These communications will include information about the program, your rights, and the steps you can take if you’re interested in participating. If you’re ever in doubt, you can check the authenticity of any communication by:
- contacting the SSA directly,
- checking the official Ticket To Work website, or
- contacting Allsup Employment Services if we are handling your Ticket.
How Does The SSA Send Official Communications?
The SSA typically contacts eligible individuals about the Ticket To Work Program through official letters, emails or phone calls. These communications will clearly state that they are from the SSA and will provide detailed information about the program, including how you can participate.
What Does Legitimate SSA Communication Look Like?
Legitimate communications from the SSA or an authorized EN like Allsup will include specific details about the Ticket To Work Program, your eligibility, and the benefits of participation. They will also provide contact information and instructions on how to check out the offer.
Look for:
- Official SSA logos.
- Contact details.
- Information that avoids pressure tactics.
Returning To Work With Allsup Employment Services As Your EN
Are you currently receiving SSDI or SSI and would like to return to work?
Allsup Employment Services is an SSA-authorized EN for the Ticket To Work Program. We have over 10 years of experience helping thousands return to work successfully.
AES experts will help you protect your SSA disability benefits with Ticket To Work by:
- Maintaining your SSDI income while you attempt working again.
- Safeguarding your Medicare coverage.
- Pausing SSA medical disability reviews.

Benefits Of Working With AES:
Make as much income as you choose during the Trial Work Period and protect your full SSDI benefits.
Stress Less.
Avoid medical disability reviews and the worry that comes with them.
Keep Medicare.
While working, you can keep Medicare for over seven years.
Avoid Risk.
If you stop working anytime within five years, your SSDI benefits can resume through a reinstatement process.
Pay Nothing.
As a Social Security-authorized Employment Network, our services are provided at no cost.
Choosing Allsup Employment Services means working with an EN who’s focused on your goals and will work with you every step of the way.
Get started – With No Cost And No Obligation.
Connect with Allsup Employment Services today by calling
866‑540‑5105 or by requesting a call.