3 Tips To Maintain A Good Relationship With Former Employers
As featured by Forbes

Dealing with the onset of a serious illness or disability can be very trying. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a lifeline for those former workers who paid FICA taxes, but 52% of the people Allsup
has helped apply for SSDI say they intend to return to work when their condition improves.
An Allsup Employment Services (AES) expert explains the importance of maintaining relationships with former employers to make the transition back to work easier especially while recovering. AES recommends telling your former employer about your desire to return to work as soon as possible. This lets them know that you are committed to the job and will do all you can to return and perform well.
Another tip is to keep written records of your correspondence with your employer even when you may talk to them via phone or video. Emails ensure that you both have evidence of your desire to get back to work. Following these and other steps with your employer will make the process more successful.
Click here to read the full article in Forbes, “3 Tips for Maintaining a Good Relationship with Former Employers While Recovering from a Disability.”
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